Welcome To Virtual Flight
A subsidiary of Free-Flight
This site is a general purpose site where I test out new ideas and functionality for the FreeFlight Gliding Club Admin platform. It’s also the place where I park stuff that might be useful to my online gliding friends from around the world or anyone looking to get into virtual reality flight simulation (whatever the software platform)
Below is a video I created more than 18 months ago using X-Plane. The insights I show in the video are still relevant today – but right now most of us are living the dream in MSFS 2020 with its built in multiplayer capablilities. Right now (June 2022) we have an AS33, LS4, Discus 2C and it’s electric variant, DG808S and a good old K7 – an ideal glider with basic on board instrumentation – an ideal introduction for new glider pilots. and all this is BEFORE gliding is officially supported (coming in the 40th Anniversary update August 2022
Watch the introductory video below for a general overview of the Quest 2 Flight Sim capabilities, then check out each of the pages for your sim of choice for an in depth look at what you can expect. I will be posting some videos from MSFS in the near future.
You are welcome to have a stooge around, and if you are looking for FreeFlight related content, head over to the Freeflight menu item at the top
Seeing Is Believing
One word of caution, If you are a family person, be aware your kids are going to want to hog your Quest 2, so you may need two – one for you and one for the rest of your family. Remember – outside of the world of Flight Simulation, the Quest 2 does not require a PC. Wi-Fi enabled and with 64Gb – or 256GB of memory on the high end version -, Oculus’ new flagship headset is completely stand alone*
Some caveats. The quality of image you will achieve in VR is entirely dependent on the power of your CPU and GPU. Generally speaking if your PC doesn’t have a high quality Graphics card sat in one of the expansion slots (IE you plug your monitor into an HDMI port close to the rest of the sockets on the back) chances are your PC won’t be up to scratch for VR.
Where Am I?